
08/01/2022 - ZenPack Release: Nutanix 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1  of the Nutanix ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.Nutanix) has been released.

This release is compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud, and has the following requirements.

  • ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenPackLib 2.0.8 or higher
  • ZenPacks.zenoss.PythonCollector

The following changes have been made since the previous release: 2.0.0.

  • Fixed pulling critical events after the original ones are aged out (ZPS-7317)
  • Fixed generation of critical events when there are no changes in the Nutanix cluster (ZPS-7525)
  • Fixed modeling of a Nutanix 5.20 instances (ZPS-7703)
  • Tested with Zenoss Cloud, Zenoss Resource Manager 6.6.0, and Service Impact 5.5.5

 Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.

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