
09/09/2021 - Subscription ZenPack Release: Single Sign-On - SSO SAML Authenticator Integration v1.6.0

Services paid subscription ZenPack.zenoss.SAMLAuthenticator

Version 1.6.0 of the SSO SAML Authenticator integration zenpack has been released. This release is compatible with Zenoss versions  6.x and Zenoss Cloud, and has the following additional requirements.

  • Zenoss >= 6.4.1 or later
  • ZenPacks.zenoss.PS.Util >= 1.1.0
  • xmlsec1 and xmlsec1-openssl

The following changes have been made since the previous release: 1.5.0

Release 1.6.0

  • Features
    • Add config entry for user ID field
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix hardcoded NameIDFormat for service provider metadata

Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.  

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