
05/08/2024 - ZenPack Release: Microsoft Windows 3.1.1

Version 3.1.1 of the Microsoft Windows ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows) has been released. 

This release is compatible with Zenoss version 6.7 and and Zenoss Cloud, and has the following additional requirements.

  • ZenPacks.zenoss.PythonCollector 1.4 or higher
  • ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenPackLib 2.0.5 or higher

The following changes/fixes have been made since the previous release: 3.1.0

  • Compatible with Ubuntu-based CZ 7.2.0 (ZPS-8850)
  • Fix device deletion during "Reindex Windows services" job execution (ZPS-8862)
  • Remove the Software modeler plugin from the default selection (ZPS-8911)
  • Tested with Zenoss Cloud, Zenoss 6.7.0 and Service Impact 5.6.0

 Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.

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