Applies To
- Zenoss Resource Manager 3.x
- Zenoss Resource Manager 4.x
- Zenoss Resource Manager 5.x
- Zenoss Resource Manager 5.1.5 (and above)
Although Zenoss Resource Manager installations commonly use LDAP for network authentication, Resource Manager can use passwords for local non-LDAP users for Resource Manager authentication instead. This KB describes the password complexity requirements for Zenoss Resource Manager.
Password Rquirements
The Resource Manager password complexity requirements for local, non-LDAP users are:
- Zenoss Resource Manager 3.x - 5.0.x
- No password complexity requirements exist in Zenoss Resource Manager 3.x-5.0.x.
. - Zenoss Resource Manager 5.1.5
- The following password complexity requirements are hard coded into the system and not configurable:
- Must have at least eight (8) characters
- Must be at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- Must contain at least one number
Note: There is an open enhancement request (ZEN-24253) to make these fields configurable and more easily adapted to different environments.
Zenoss Resource Manager and LDAP
LDAP authentication enables using/ inheriting network password complexity requirements for Zenoss Resource Manager authentication, instead of relying on local, non-LDAP authentication. Using LDAP means passwords that are set at the network directory level follow the complexity requirements already in place, similar to any application or system that uses LDAP. If the password requirements are set on the network and Resource Manager is configured to use LDAP to authenticate, it inherits those complexity requirements. Note that if Resource Manager is configured to use LDAP, a user's password cannot be changed from within Resource Manager because the token will not update correctly.
Configuring Zenoss Resource Manager to use LDAP results in strict adherence to the LDAP complexity requirements. Passwords cannot be changed from within Zenoss Resource Manager and the complexity requirements are retained. For additional information about LDAP configuration and authentication, consult the Zenoss Administration Guide for your version at: