
07/05/2019 - ZenPack Release: PythonCollector 1.11.0

Version 1.11.0 of the PythonCollector ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.PythonColletor) has been released.

This release is compatible with Zenoss Cloud, Zenoss 6, and has no additional requirements.

The following changes have been made since the previous release: 1.10.1.

  • Support extra datapoint tags in Zenoss Cloud. (ZPS-4587)
  • Support publishing ad hoc metrics from plugins. (ZPS-4629)
  • Provide better errors to collector when datamap application fails. (ZPS-5833)
  • Avoid disabling plugins due to clock jumps by using monotonic clock.
  • Allow testing of datasources with readable output. (ZEN-31038)

This release was tested with the following Zenoss versions.

  • Zenoss Cloud
  • Zenoss Resource Manager 6.3.2
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