Version 4.0.2 of the VMware vSphere ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.vSphere) has been released. This release is compatible with Zenoss versions 5.3 - 6.3 and Zenoss Cloud, and has the following additional requirements.
- PropertyMonitor ZenPack 1.1.0 or later.
- Enterprise Reports ZenPack (any version)
- ZenPackLib ZenPack 2.1.0 or higher
The following changes have been made since the previous release: 4.0.1.
Fix invalid threshold for memory capacity on vSphere hosts (ZPS-4979)
Changing zVSphereModelVSAN property also switch monitoring templates (ZPS-5216)
Add support for NSX OpaqueNetworks (ZPS-5076)
Fix "vmodl.fault.MethodNotFound" error from vSAN monitoring against vCenter v6.0 (ZPS-5545)
Handle situation where VMware Tools return a guest IP address with spaces in it (ZPS-5536)
Fix sporadic "'NoneType' is not iterable" errors caused by model-monitored datapoints whose values are not updated frequently. (ZPS-5067)
- Migrate Property datasources to vSphere Modeled in local copies of monitoring templates. (ZPS-5628)
Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.