Version 4.0.0 of the VMware vSphere ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.vSphere) has been released and this is a major release of this ZenPack.
This release is compatible with Zenoss versions 5.3 - 6.2 and Zenoss Cloud, and has the following additional requirements.
- PropertyMonitor ZenPack 1.1.0 or later.
- Enterprise Reports ZenPack (any version)
- ZenPackLib ZenPack 2.1.0 or higher
The following changes have been made since the previous release: 3.7.2.
- vSAN support (Disk Groups, Cache and Capacity disk modeling and monitoring, vSAN Cluster Health, vSAN Objects, Compliance status)
- Lower default configsipsize from 25 to 5 in zenvsphere.conf in order to facilitate pulling large configs from ZenHub. (ZPS-798)
- Changed thresholds related to performance to not affect availability in Service Impact (ZPS-3702). This changes events from being in "/vSphere/Utilization" to be in "/Perf/vSphere/Utilization" class
- Ensure consistent treatment of CPU Usage (%) in thresholds and Analytics (ZPS-3589)
- Renamed ResourcePool threshold "High CPU Usage" to "High Load" (ZPS-3589)
- Plot ResourcePool Memory Overhead and Memory Consumption on separate graphs (ZPS-369)
- Added migration script for upgrade-related catalog index issues (ZPS-3922)
- Removed transform that was introduced in 3.7.x on the /vSphere event class (ZPS-4306)
- Fix "NotInDatacenterException" error when permissions are restricted on a folder without "propagate to children" (ZPS-4232)
- Add impact relations between vSphere vSAN Datastores and Dell PowerEdge Physical Disks. (ZPS-4518)
- Ignore blank lines in zVSphereModelIgnore (ZPS-1423)
- Add Test button to zVSphereHostPingWhitelist/
zVSphereHostPingBlacklist zProperties (ZPS-3464) - Reports do not automatically run when selected (ZPS-4172)
- Added an authoritative list of event types to monitor ESX directly (ZPS-3695)
- Fixed clearing for hbr.primary.
NoConnectionToHbrServerEvent events (ZPS-4019) - Allowed to put devices in sub-classes of /vSphere while initially adding them (ZPS-3996)
- Reduce excessive CPU and memory consumption by zenvsphere container (ZPS-643)
- Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 5.3.3, Zenoss Resource Manager 6.2.1, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.3.3
Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.