
05/24/2018 - ZenPack Release: Microsoft Azure 1.3.1

Version 1.3.1 of the Microsoft Azure ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Azure) has been released.

This release is compatible with Zenoss versions 4.2.5 - 6.1.2, and has the following additional requirements

  • ZenPacks.zenoss.PythonCollector >= 1.2

The following changes have been made since the previous release (1.3.0):

  • Fix Error in AzureCollector: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'uri' (ZPS-1760)
  • Hide credentials from logs and overview page (ZPS-3479)
  • Optimize zenpython memory usage during monitoring (ZPS-1939)
  • Handle case when VM and Network Adapter are in different Resource Groups (ZPS-3480)
  • Handle modeling of undocumented custom VM images (ZPS-3574)
  • Describe modeling and monitoring through a proxy (ZPS-3539)

Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.

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