
03/06/2018 - ZenPack Release: Microsoft Windows 2.9.0

Version 2.9.0 of the Microsoft Windows ZenPack (ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows) has been released.

This release is compatible with Zenoss versions 4.2.5 - 6.1.1, and has the following additional requirements.

  • ZenPacks.zenoss.PythonCollector >= 1.4
  • ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenPackLib >= 2.0.5

The following changes/fixes have been made since the previous release: 2.8.3.

  • Windows - IIS 7 or higher may show Unknown site status (ZPS-2728)
  • Windows - Error: local variable 'kerberos' referenced before assignment (ZPS-2738)
  • Quote issue for polling custom event logs (ZPS-2741)
  • Modelling a Windows device fails with trace re: Software Plugin (ZPS-2745)
  • Windows: Tasks building up with bad network connections (ZPS-2829)
  • MicrosoftExchange - N/A for some graphs of Exchange Server component and on Graphs tab (ZPS-2197)
  • Microsoft Windows: zenpython memory increases until restart required (ZPS-2176)
  • CPU use builds over time - PythonCollector MicrosoftWindows (ZPS-2480)
  • Modelling using Kerberos generates two tickets (ZPS-2394)
  • Windows data sources are improperly setting eventClass (ZPS-3056)
  • Windows Event Log Datasource Does not Map Critical Events (ZPS-3109)
  • Windows - an error 'process scan error: list index out of range' is generated for OS Processes component (ZPS-3116)
  • Windows - Do not display None as the Service Pack level (ZPS-2289)
  • Windows - "Check username and password" event still gets generated every cycle even though credentials is correct (ZPS-2712)
  • Add ability to monitor freespace on Cluster Disks (ZPS-582)

Detailed information on this ZenPack is available from the ZenPack Catalog.

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