
Zenoss Inspector Reports Error: "Storage Tenant ID Mismatch"

Applies To

  • Zenoss 5.x
  • Zenoss Inspector script


This KB concerns a specific error returned by the Zenoss Inspector script:

Storage tenant ID mismatch

If the Zenoss Inspector script returns the error listed above, there are two courses of action:

  • If you have Zenoss support, reach out for support and open a ticket. WARNING: Do Not Proceed with the procedure without assistance.
  • If you are a community user without Zenoss support, consult the Zenoss community for information. If necessary, perform the following procedure.


If you are a community user without Zenoss support, perform the following procedure to repair the issue returned by the Zenoss Inspector script:

  1. Consult the Zenoss community for information, if necessary proceed with this procedure.
  2. As a best practice, perform a complete backup before proceeding.
  3. Stop Resource Manager:
    #serviced service stop Zenoss.resmgr
  4. Stop serviced on the CC Master and all pool hosts:
    # systemctl stop serviced
  5. Manually detach nfs mounts (all hosts):
    # umount -l /exports/serviced_volumes_v2/YOUR_CURRENTLY_MOUNTED_TENANT_ID
  6. Navigate to the following directory:
  7. Edit the metadata.json file to point to the device currently mounted to
  8. Restart serviced on all hosts:
    # systemctl start serviced
  9. Restart Resource Manager:
    serviced service start Zenoss.resmgr
  10. Rerun the Inspector script with the "verify" flag to ensure there are matching Tenant IDs.

For additional information about the Zenoss Inspector script, see the KB titled Inspector - A Tool to Validate Control Center and Zenoss Resource Manager Configuration, located at:

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