Twenty seven individual ZenPacks were launched, enhanced/maintained, or certified for the 5.x platform during the 3rd quarter of 2016. Zenpacks can be downloaded from the Zenpack Wiki:
OpenStackInfrastructure 2.3.0 (9.29.16)
- Added support for OpenStack Mitaka.
- Provide various host-checking fixes
- Add publicURL if adminURL not available
- Upgrade ZenPackLib to 1.1.0
Microsoft.Windows ZenPack 2.6.4 (9.19.16)
- Fix Windows ZenPack incorrectly assumes that the first database returned is the master when modeling databases, backups, and jobs (ZEN-24519)
- Fix WinRM ZenPack - WinService components disabled at template still show "Monitored" in component view (ZEN-24528)
Solaris 2.4.2 (9.6.16)
- Fix process monitoring event class and threshold (ZEN-21999)
- Fix for handling of empty zone status output
- Add common datapoint aliases (ZEN-24619)
NetScreen 2.2.1 (9.6.16)
- Add total memory modeling
- Change free memory threshold from 524288 bytes to 10% of total
- Add common datapoint aliases (ZEN-24619)
HP-UX 2.0.1 (9.6.16)
- Fix modeling "ValueError" when swap volumes are disabled (ZEN-23286)
- Add common datapoint aliases (ZEN-24619)
Cisco Devices 5.7.2 (9.6.16)
- Fix isProjection template copying error. (ZEN-23332)
- Set event class mapping sequences to 1000. (ZEN-23103)
- Fix ciscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif trap handler. (ZEN-24123)
- Fix ObjectNotFound zones modeling error
- Fix broken "|" eventKey on NX-API events. (ZEN-21247)
- Add common datapoint aliases. (ZEN-24619)
Check Point 2.0.1 (9.6.16)
- Add common datapoint aliases. (ZEN-24619)
BIG-IP 2.7.1 (9.6.16)
- Convert load balancer port speed from megabits to bits
- Add datapoint aliases: mem__pct, in__pct, out__pct (ZEN-24619)
Linux Monitor 2.0.4 (9.2.16)
- Fix "unimplemented" SSH error on 4.2.5 SP709. (ZEN-23392)
AIX 2.2.2 (8.30.16)
- Make event class /Status/OSProcess for process monitoring (ZEN-21999)
- Add zCredentialsZProperties: zCommandUsername & zCommandPassword
- Add mem__pct and fs__pct datapoint aliases (ZEN-24619)
DB2 1.0.4 (8.22.16)
- Improve Graphs
- Added failsafe for multi-partitioned databases
- Datapoints Changed from Derive to Gauge:
- Affected Graphs due to datapoint change:
- SQL Statements
- Lock Wait Time
- Rows Stats
- -Connections
Oracle Database (Commercial) 3.0.5 (8.19.16)
- Re-work Analytics for new metrics introduced in 3.0.4
- Improve TBSP event handling (ZEN-24339)
- Mask connectionString in errors (ZEN-21748)
- Ensure dbmTBSP omits damaged TableSpaces (ZEN-23916)
- Minor Graph Adjustments
Wndows ZP 2.6.3 (8.18.16)
- Fix potential "clusternetworks" and "clusternodes" errors after upgrading (ZEN-24401)
- Fix AttributeError: serviceclass on Windows Services after v515 update (ZEN-24347)
- Fix duplicated "Interfaces" components after upgrade (ZEN-24401))
CiscoMontor 5.7.1 (8.14.16)
- Fix StatCountInUse and StatCountPeak OID's. (ZEN-12336)
- Calculated Performance 2.2.1: (8.2.16)
- Added zDatasourceDebugLogging property to control debug logging. (ZEN-22318)
- Reduce install/upgrade time. (ZEN-22318)
- Add "Rate?" option for both datasource types. (ZEN-22972)
- Improve performance with HTTP connection pooling in Zenoss 5. (ZEN-23868)
AWS 2.4.3: (8.1.16)
- Fix Region and S3 Buckets graphs problems (ZEN-17242)
- Add support for new Region in Mumbai (ZEN-23892)
- Improve informative event messages in SQS Queues (ZEN-22062)
- Improve handling for ConnectionLost, TimeoutError etc (ZEN-23901)
- Fix EC2RegionPlugin's traceback events (ZEN-23174)
- Fix S3 bucket lookup for eu-central-1 (ZEN-23044)
- Fix S3BucketPlugin issues for EU Region (ZEN-23236)
- Add Account ID field for new Regions(ZEN-21880)
- Add zAWSAutoChangeProdState property for Instance production state
Linux Monitor 2.0.3: (8.1.16)
- Fix migration of Linux devices to new type. (ZEN-24293)
ZenPacks.zenoss.NSX 1.2.0: (7.29.16)
- Add configuration check for openstack_neutron_integration. (OSI 2.1.1)
- Fixed metric collection stopping for all Edge and Interfaces if one or more edge vm is powered off. (ZEN-19008)
- Fixed invalid dictionary for event messages when NSX edge is powered off. (ZEN-19009)
- Fixed NSX devices failing to collect when there is a 5.x edge device. (ZEN-21660)
- Fixed TypeError on Edge components. (ZEN-22734)
- Added modeling and usage monitoring for IP Pools and Segment ID Pools. (ZEN-22189)
- Link NSX Edge components to vSphere VMs (requires vSphere ZP).
- Added modeling and monitoring for Edge Firewall Rules for each Edge.
- Added modeling and monitoring for NSX Subinterfaces
- Added monitoring for connection state to vCenter (requires vSphere ZP).
- Added modeling for Routing Protocols.
- Added modeling for NAT Rules.
- Added load balancer modeling and monitoring.
vSphere 3.4.1: (7.29.16)
- Support multiple --query options in vsphere_queryperf tool
- Improved component grid performance with Zenoss 5.1.4+
- Use epoll reactor in zenvsphere to support >1024 descriptors.
- Fix off-by-one in chunk size calculation (ZEN-22805)
- Monitor ESX host preparation for NSX networking (ZEN-21157)
- Remove Dynamic View component from navigation, since it is not fully supported (ZEN-16277)
Linux Monitor 2.0.2: (7.20.16)
- Performance fix (migration time improved when updating this ZP)
- Improve 1.x to 2.x migration time. (ZEN-24024)
Microsoft Windows 2.6.0: (7.11.16)
- Enabled the use of the Infrastructure -> Windows Services page
- Enabled domain authentication without the need for DNS
- Added ability to dump results from plugins for troubleshooting
- Converted to use zenpacklib
- Document Microsoft Windows Event Log Monitoring Returns Information Events (ZEN-22904)
- Fix zWinRMServerName not resolving properly on remote collector (ZEN-22880)
- Fix WinRM ZP Error about concurrent shells doesn't close when not reoccuring (ZEN-23010)
- Fix Latest version of WinRM pack (2.5.12) causes "AttributeError: in_exclusions" tracebacks (ZEN-23063)
- Fix WinRM Interface modeler does not account for HP NIC naming scheme (ZEN-20762)
- Fix WinRM monitoring does not emit message for expired password (ZEN-23183)
- Fix Windows kinit: Internal credentials cache error while storing credentials while getting initial credentials (ZEN-23238)
- Fix MSSQL Queries wrong database for metric (ZEN-23228)
- Fix Windows Service shows 'Up' when down if event class modified (ZEN-19615)
- Fix Windows Installed on UCS shows 2 interfaces where there's only 1 (ZEN-23379)
- Fix Windows ZenPack, doesn't send Datasource fields in 'cmd' to Parsers (ZEN-23739)
- Fix Windows Zenpack Impact relationships are inconsistent (ZEN-18648)
- Fix WinRMPing datasource should be disabled by default (ZEN-23517)
- Fix Copy Override of Windows template breaks EventLogDataSource query attribute (ZEN-23157)
Microsoft Windows 2.6.1: (7.14.16)
- Fix Microsoft Windows ZenPack doesn't work with HyperV pack (ZEN-23967)
- Fix Microsoft Windows: no collection when Processes are modeled (ZEN-24010)
- Fix Editing a Windows Service (WinService) Locks Up Zope and Times Out (ZEN-23827)
Microsoft Windows 2.6.2: (8.9.16)
- Fix WinRM ZenPack - Windows Services page elections conflict with WinService template exclusions (ZEN-24165)
- Fix Modifying the WinService template causes parallel reindexing of the same components (ZEN-24375)
Microsoft Lync Release 1.1.0 (7.22.16)
- Add support of Microsoft Skype for Business (Microsoft Lync 2015)
Microsoft Lync Release 1.0.2 (7.14.16)
- Fix 2.6.0 missing hardware relations (ZEN-23968)
Python Collector 1.8.1 (7.19.16)
- Fix total collection failure when one bad config exists. (ZEN-23167)
Microsoft Exchange 1.0.4 (7.14.16)
- Fix 2.6.0 missing hardware relations (ZEN-23968)