
How To Remove Duplicate Windows Modeler Plugins After An Upgrade

Applies To

Zenoss 4.2.3


After an upgrade, Windows Monitoring plugins may appear as duplicate entries in the modeling section of the Resource Manager console. When present, the problem might be caused by an incomplete removal of Windows ZenPacks during the upgrade.


Use the following procedure to remove duplicate windows modeler plugins by removing and re-installing the Windows ZenPacks.

  1. Log in to the Resource Manager master host as zenoss.

  2. If necessary, download the Windows Monitoring RPM file from
    Contact your Zenoss representative for login credentials.

  3. Use zendmd to verify there are no remaining ZenPacks bound to the templates. For additional information about zendmd, see the Knowledge Base Article ID 16052-35 Introduction to zendmd.
    1. Start zendmd as zenoss:
      $ zendmd
    2. Enter the following commands:
      zps = ['ZenWinPerf','WinModelerPlugins']
      for pack in dmd.ZenPackManager.packs():
         for zp in zps:
            if zp in
               print "%s contains %d pack objects" % (, len(pack.packables()))
      • If both values come back as zero, it is safe to remove the ZenPacks. Proceed to the next step.
      • If the values do not come back as zero, unbind any ZenPacks that remain bound and rerun the dmd to verify.
    3. Exit the zendmd interface:
      exit or type CTRL-D
  4. Create a temporary file with a list of ZenPacks to remove:
    $ cat >> /tmp/mszps.txt <<EOT
  5. Stop Resource Manager.
    $ zenoss stop
  6. Start zencatalogservice:
    $ zencatalogservice start
  7. start zeneventserver:
    $ zeneventserver start
  8. Remove the Windows Monitoring ZenPacks:
    $ zenpack_batch /tmp/mszps.txt
  9. Verify the Windows Monitoring ZenPacks are removed:
    $ zenpack --list

    If any ZenPacks remain, run the zenpack_batch command again.

  10. Switch user to root, or to a user with root privileges.

  11. Install the appropriate ZenPack:

    • RHEL/CentOS 5:
      # yum -y --nogpgcheck reinstall zenoss_msmonitor- version .el5.x86_64.rpm
    • RHEL/CentOS 6:
      # yum -y --nogpgcheck reinstall zenoss_msmonitor- version .el6.x86_64.rpm
  12. Start Resource Manager:
    # service zenoss start
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