
How To Change The Resource Manager RabbitMQ Password

Applies To

  • Zenoss 4.2.3


This article details the steps required to change the RabbitMQ password used by Zenoss.


  1. Log into the Zenoss master server as root.
  2. Stop the Zenoss daemons:
    # service zenoss stop
  3. Change the password of the RabbitMQ zenoss user:
    # rabbitmqctl change_password zenoss NEW-PASSWORD
  4. Switch to the zenoss user:
    # su - zenoss
  5. Edit the $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf file and change the amqppassword line to reflect the new RabbitMQ password.
  6. Verify that Zenoss is able to connect to the RabbitMQ daemon:
    # zenq count zenoss.queues.zep.zenevents

    If the zenq command does not complete successfully, follow these additional steps:

    1. Delete the RabbitMQ zenoss user and re-add it with a new password:
      # rabbitmqctl delete_user zenoss
      # rabbitmqctl add_user zenoss NEW-PASSWORD
    2. Assign the proper permissions to the RabbitMQ zenoss user:
      # rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /zenoss zenoss '.*' '.*' '.*'
  7. Start Zenoss:
    # zenoss start
  8. Update $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf on all remote hubs and collectors (if any):
    # dc-admin update
    Important Notes

    This step does not need to be run if you don't have any remote hubs. To determine if any remote hubs have been deployed in your Zenoss instance, run dc‑admin list

    If you have configured a new (non-default) hub password, instead of running this step follow the instructions for your scenario in the How do I Change the Zenoss Hub Password(s)? Zenoss Knowledge Base article.

    If you have made any changes to the $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf file on remote hubs or collectors, Zenoss strongly recommends that you verify that those changes have been maintained after running this step.
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