Applies To
- Zenoss 4.x
- Zenoss 3.1.x
- Zenoss 3.0.x
- Zenoss 2.5.x
Some users may find it is necessary to archive or send a report on a regular basis. Below are 2 different ways to accomplish this task.
Method 1 - reportmail
Zenoss comes with a command-line tool called reportmail that can send a report via email from Zenoss. One way of automating a report on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis is to set up a cron job to send the same report for that interval. The format of the reportmail command is:
reportmail -u *URLofReport* -U *zenossUsername* -p *zenossPassword* -a *yourEmailAddress*
To automate this, run crontab -e as the zenoss user to put the command in as a cron job. For example, if you wanted to email the "Alert Rule Email Addresses" report daily at 5:00am, you would put the following in your crontab (note that percent signs (%) must be escaped with a backslash '\'):
0 5 * * * bash -lc 'reportmail -u http://my.zenoss.instance:8080/zport/dmd/Reports/Enterprise\%20Reports/Alert\%20Rule\%20Email\%20Addresses -U admin -p mypassword -a'
Method 2 - wget
The wget command can be used to save a copy of the report to a specific location, which can be automated using cron. Your wget command would look like:
wget --http-user=*zenossUsername* --http-password=*zenossPassword* *URLofReport*
To automate this, run crontab -e as the zenoss user to put the command in as a cron job. For example, if you wanted to save the "Alert Rule Email Addresses" report every hour, you would put the following in your crontab (note that percent signs (%) must be escaped with a backslash '\'):
0 * * * * wget -O /opt/zenoss/reports/AlertEmailReport --http-user=admin --http-password=mypassword http://my.zenoss.instance:8080/zport/dmd/Reports/Enterprise\%20Reports/Alert\%20Rule\%20Email\%20Addresses
If you wanted to save The "Alert Rule Email Addresses" report daily under a unique name that included the date for historical purposes, you could put the following in your crontab (note that percent signs (%) must be escaped with a backslash '\'):
0 0 * * * wget -O /opt/zenoss/reports/AlertEmailReport.`date +\%Y\%m\%d` --http-user=admin --http-password=mypassword http://my.zenoss.instance:8080/zport/dmd/Reports/Enterprise\%20Reports/Alert\%20Rule\%20Email\%20Addresses
hi all,
The file is saved in which format ??
how to read the file saved