Applies To
- Zenoss 4.0.x
- Zenoss 3.1.x
- Zenoss 3.0.x
You can execute the following steps to provide an initial confirmation that Zenoss is running correctly after an upgrade. Subsequently, we recommend that you continue to review all of the functionality that you use in Zenoss.
- Look for Zenoss events that may indicate a problem: Check the event console for events related to Zenoss; for example, stopped services or heartbeat failures from daemons on the master, hubs, or collectors.
- Verify that all of the daemons are running on the Zenoss master.
- In the Zenoss UI, navigate to Advanced > Settings (the default page in the Advanced section) > Daemons (a choice on the left). A green dot to the right of a daemon’s name indicates that the daemon is running, while a red dot indicates that it has stopped.
- If your Zenoss deployment has remote hubs or collectors, navigate to Advanced > Collectors and check that the appropriate daemons are all running on each hub and collector by clicking on each hub or collector’s name in turn, and then clicking on Daemons on the left to review their status.
- Verify that a new device can be added successfully:
- Navigate to Infrastructure > Devices. Click on the small monitor icon above the list of devices and choose Add a Single Device. Complete the form to add a new device object.
- If adding a real device is not convenient at this stage, add a non-existent device to any of the device classes, and clear the Model Device check box in the “Add a Single Device” dialog.
- Confirm that the device has been successfully loaded into Zenoss by refreshing the device list and locating the new device. If a real device was added, click on the device’s name and confirm that modeling succeeded by verifying that components such as NIC cards, file systems, etc., are listed on the left.
- If a non-existent device object was added in the step above, test that devices can be modeled by completing the following steps:
- Click on a known (real) device’s name to bring up its Overview page.
- Model the device by clicking on the gear-shaped “action wheel“ icon in the lower left and selecting Model Device from the menu.
- If multiple collectors are being used, the device modeling test should be repeated for one device per collector. To locate devices monitored by particular collectors, navigate to Advanced > Collectors to display the list of collectors.
- For each collector listed, click on the collector name, which will bring up the Overview page for the collector. In the lower portion of the Overview page you will see a list of devices monitored by that collector.
- Click on a known device in the list and model the device.
Note: Adding a device tests multiple components of the system, including but not limited to, ZenJobs (Zenoss’ task scheduling system), RabbitMQ (because ZenJobs’ tasks are queued), the system’s ability to create objects in the ZODB, and the system’s ability to model devices (if a real device was added).
- Verify that the system is able to receive and display events:
- Confirm the presence of new device events in the console (“new” events being events that have arrived subsequent to the upgrade completion).
- If none are present, and if such events would be expected, test the event subsystem by generating a condition that would trigger an event — for example, by running a command to generate a syslog event (e.g., logger) on a monitored system that sends its events to Zenoss and confirming that the events arrive.
- Confirm receipt of any email notifications that should be triggered by the incoming events.
- Confirm that Zenoss is able to poll devices for monitored data points by verifying that the performance graphs continue to update:
- Wait 10–15 minutes after the completion of the upgrade (or 2–3 polling cycles’ worth of time if the default 5 minute interval has been modified) then check one of the performance graphs for a device (for example, the CPU utilization graph of a server) and verify that the graph is continuing to update.
- If multiple collectors are being used, this test should be repeated for one device per collector.
- To locate devices monitored by particular collectors, navigate to Advanced > Collectors to display the list of collectors.
- For each collector listed, click on the collector name, which will bring up the Overview page for the collector. In the lower portion of the Overview page you will see a list of devices monitored by that collector. Click on a known device in the list and verify that its performance graphs are being updated.
- Generate any reports that are regularly run on the instance of Resource Manager to be sure they run correctly. If reports are regularly emailed to administrators, send one or more reports to the appropriate distribution list and verify receipt.
- Navigate through the various pages of the user interface and verify that each page renders correctly and pages display supplementary information such as event counts when appropriate.