
How To Install Zenoss 4.2.2 In A High Availability Cluster Using Corosync and DRBD (Resource Manager 4.2.x)


  • Two identical node servers

Applies To

  • Zenoss 4.2.2
  • Pacemaker 1.1.7-6.el6
  • Fence Agents 3.1.5-17.1.el6_3
  • Resource Agents 3.9.2-12.el6_3.2
  • LCMC 1.4.2 (on windows 7 64 bit)


IMPORTANT NOTE: As of December 2013, Zenoss recommends that all new Resource Manager installations and any upgrades of Resource Manager that involve an upgrade of the host operating system to RHEL Centos 6.4 or later follow the procedure outlined in the document How To Configure Zenoss Resource Manager for use with Red Hat Cluster Suite?" instead of following the procedure documented here.

The attached document describes the procedure for creating an active-Passive High Availability cluster of Zenoss using Corosync and DRBD. IMPORTANT: THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED HERE APPLY TO CENTOS / RHEL 6.3 OR EARLIER AND SHOULD NOT BE IMPLEMENTED ON LATER VERSIONS OF CENTOS / RHEL. Existing deployments of Centos / RHEL configured to use COROSYNC & DRBD should not have their nodes' operating systems upgraded using a command as broad as 'yum update' because certain packages required for the cluster to function should not be updated. Please also note that the latest release of Pacemaker (version 1.1.8.x) changes the way LCMC interacts with Pacemaker; installation of that release of Pacemaker is not covered by the procedure documented here.


Please see the attached file, Zenoss_RM_HA_Install_Guide 422-P2.pdf

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