
Selective Backup and Restore to Enhance Granularity in Zenoss 5.1.x

Applies To

  • Zenoss 5.1.x


In the 5.1.x versions of Resource Manager, you can back up and restore two ways:

  • Use the browser interface
  • Use the command-line interface (CLI)

Although both methods provide comparable results, the command-line interface offers an option to exclude specific application data directories in /opt/serviced/var/volumes from the backup.


The command-line interface method provides more granularity in defining backups because directories can be excluded from the .tgz backup file.

For additional information about using the CLI backup methodology, see the Backup and Restore section of the Zenoss Resource Manager Administration Guide, (or the Zenoss Documentation site for earlier versions of the Administration Guide).

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    Brendan Moss

    Not a ton of information. Clicking on the `enoss Resource Manager Administration Guide, ` hyperlink gives a 404.

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